Sunday, September 7, 2014

Goodbyes, Vampire Diaries, and Great Friends.

Wow. I haven’t blogged in forever!
My summer was definitely bi-polar, but so beautiful I still can’t believe all of the amazing things that happened!
Like everyone else, I am back in the library every day hard at work.
Well…I guess you could scratch out the “hard at work,” part and add “Obsessively watching Vampire Diaries,” because that really is all that I do.
Going back to school is always hard for me because I take on so much stuff during the summer and I am never able to let it go back when school starts.
Juggling a major AND a minor, an internship, interns (and more interns), back and forth to California, and then of course my own personal sanity.
It sometimes is rough, but I know it will all be worth it once I make that long awaited move to California!
Oh, have I not mentioned that I am moving to California next year? It’s real guys!
I can hardly wait, but I really don’t want to talk about my plans yet!

Speaking of plans, I try not to make them anymore.
Plans have a way of falling through and people have a way of changing their minds.
Have you ever tried to be friends with someone that you broke up with even you know deep down how much they suck, but you still give them the benefit of the doubt anyways?
There comes a point when your friends with someone or even dating him or her that even their toxicity becomes too much for you.
Eventually, you just have to take a deep breath in and block that person out of your life 100%.
That’s something that I have never had to do and told myself that I never would because I believe that people always deserve second chances.
Not anymore, I’ve decided two things:
1.     I have decided that I will no longer love someone who loves other women. It’s funny that I have to decide that now, and because there was a man in my life who made me have to start thinking that way. Kudos to you buddy!
2.     I like focusing on me. I like coming home and hanging out with my mom and telling her about my day and on the weekends driving to California with her. I like not having to worry about what girl is being used to cheat on me. I also like the fact that I don’t have to worry about anyone but myself. Most importantly, I like following my dreams.

That’s the important part right there my dreams.
Because they aren’t anyone else’s but your own. I’ve learned that if someone shows you their true colors, don’t try and repaint them because that is whom they are inside.
Along with that, I’ve become so in love with my newfound friend-time.
There is nothing better than waking up and realizing that you get to spend the entire day hanging out with your best friends in the entire world, even if it is in the library.
My friends teach me so many lessons everyday, and I have all of the important people in my life to thank for helping meand believing in my dreams and me.

I have a lot going on right now and all I really want to do is take a nap.
I hope that no matter where my life takes me I am still able to change lives and help people.
I know I have said that in numerous blogs, but that is all that I really want to do.
But who could blame me?

The people in this world are so awesome; I just want everyone to experience the happiness that I feel right now.