Wednesday, May 7, 2014

A Series of Unfortunate Events

Sweet Surprises and Sad Endings
                  Back in March fate had stepped into my life and handed me a four-legged friend with matted long hair. I took this little puppy and promised myself I would give her the greatest life a dog could have. Her name was Gabbi. Gabbi was a little Yorkie weighing in at almost five lbs. She could be found wherever I was and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Gabbi came into my life during such a vital time of anger and aggression from another person, and in a way she saved me. Gabbi knew when I was sad and would always cuddle in my arms and would end the night with kisses as if she was telling me everything would be better soon. As time moved on Gabbi started showing signs of sickness and we spent a lot of time at the vet. But at home things were getting worse, and the person whom I put my love and trust into was turning out to be nothing but a liar. I found the courage one day to pick up my things and I began moving out. I knew this was right because I wanted to see myself succeed and I wanted my puppy to have a better life of safety rather than aggression from another person.  As cliché as it sounds, I got my courage from my dog. It was hard for me to leave the person I had once loved with all of my heart, but I knew there was nothing I could do and that a change in him should have been made a long time ago. It hurt with every being in me to be the one to walk away from a love that I thought was so real, but I knew God was leading me somewhere better.
Unexpected Awakenings
                  On the morning of May 7th, only one day of being fully moved in back home, I received a phone call at 8:30 in the morning that my precious gift Gabbi had cancer and they were going to put her down. My thought process at this time was nothing other than seeing my dog for the last time and making sure she knew that I loved her. Gabbi had stayed in the vet hospital over night in a town called Thatcher to have a minor surgery performed. Needless to say, a phone call with that news tore my heart into two. I managed to cry out the words to the vet asking them to hold off until I could get to her. My best friend and I drove two hours to Safford, and it was well worth it. The vet brought out my sweet puppy in a little blanket and I was greeted with the same kisses I have grown to love. Gabbi leaned into me and snuggled as though she was saying good-bye. Holding her while she went up to God was one of the saddest things I have ever experienced in my life. Gabbi gave me kisses all the way up until her last breath. But Gabbi gave me so much more than a good-bye. Gabbi made me realize that unconditional love is real. Whether it be from a person or from an animal, it exists. No longer will I let a single person control my way of thinking and my time. Although Gabbi was with me for such a short time, she taught me the biggest lesson and I love my sweet little angel puppy more than anything for that.

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