Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Gearing Up For Life!

Woah! Is this really the life that I get to live? Somebody better pinch me because I can literally see all of my dreams falling into place right in front of me.
The other day as I was driving, I thought about how so many people complain about growing up and paying bills and taking on responsibility “sucks.”
May I be the first to say that I completely disagree?!
Growing up and going after your dreams full speed ahead is such an incredible feeling that I really hope all of you guys get to experience.
With that said, where do I begin? I think I’ll start with right now I am anxiously packing for the Young Hollywood Awards in California this coming Monday and then right after I’m catching a flight to Las Vegas for ten days to work for Hip Hop International! It’s going to be such a busy next couple of months, especially because right upon landing back home from Vegas I’ll be getting my wisdom teeth extracted (ew) and then heading off to California once again for the Emmy Awards! That’s right, I said the Emmy Awards.
I’m so excited to share all of my upcoming experiences with everyone and watch my dreams unfold in front of me.
So many people tell me how “lucky” or “blessed” that I am to have all of these things “happen to me.”
Well, let me just say that you are all so false and that’s where I think society is wrong about people who actually make it in life.
I’m blessed with a beautiful and supportive family. I’m lucky to have amazing people in my life.
But I work, hard, for every opportunity that I get. Use this story as a lesson, that things don’t always fall into your lap and life has a way of changing in mid-flight and you don’t know when your last breath will be.
So what are you waiting for? If I’m out here living my dream then you should be too.
Don’t get me wrong, growing up of all things can be scary. But I am a firm believer in the saying

“If your dreams don’t scare you, then they aren’t big enough.”

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