Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Long Time No Blog.

Whew! What a week it has been! I have been looking forward to the first couple of weeks in July since I was just a sophomore in high school. Now look at me, a junior in college and Student Council Camp still has me coming back!
I don’t even know where to begin, it all happened so fast but it taught me some of the most amazing lessons.
 I guess I will start with Saturday, July 5th. Driving up to Prescott with my very best friend is always the best, but getting up to Prescott and seeing my favorite people in this entire world-there are no words.
Sounds corny and cliché, but when I am up in Prescott for those fast-paced couple of days, I am home.
On Sunday all of the high delegates from all around the high schools in good ole Arizona started to arrive and each year I get more and more excited to meet the young leaders who will change my life. I don’t think it comes as a surprise to know that my council this year was nothing short of amazing. How lucky am I to have had such a great group of kids to spend the week with?
Fast-forward to Monday morning, I took a bit of a tumble. I was cheering on this “rock wall” I guess you could call it and BeyoncĂ© ended up getting the best of me  and my dance moves and then… I fell (not as gracefully as I would have liked,) and I ended up tearing a tendon in my foot.
Tuesday flew by with more amazing memories, but Wednesday night is always what gets me. Wednesday is the night that the JCs give you a special gift. This night always stood out to me when I was a camper, and now being a JC and being able to be apart of this amazing organization and live it-that’s a whole ‘nother blog!
That night, I gave the gift of resilience to the crowd of young high school leaders. With some help from dear friends leading me in the right direction, I knew that it was perfect for them, and for me.
Now, if you’re not a camper and have no idea what I mean by “Giving the gift of resilience,” its okay it’s not important what giving a word to someone means.
What is important is what that word means to me, and what it will continue to mean to me.

This past year has been very rocky for me, and I needed my AASC family more than anything this year. The gift of resilience to me is standing back up no matter how many times life can knock you down. Thank you to my AASC family, my co-JCs, my campers, and everyone else for spending the week up in Prescott with me. I love you all so much. Thank you to the person who inspired the gift of resilience in me. If it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t know what it is like to hit rock bottom and know how worthless you were in my life and how strong I am on my own.

 Lord only knows where I would be without these beautiful souls in my life.
In case you were wondering, we are the little kids from ET. Kiley, you're the best!

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