Sunday, August 17, 2014

A Little Piece of Advice...

I don’t want to accept the fact that summer is officially over.
This Thursday I start school for my junior year of college, and then it’s finally coming…
I’m graduating next December. This can’t really be happening.
From New York City, Las Vegas, and multiple trips to California my summer was one for the books.
Speaking of books, I can already feel my wallet breaking in half as I sit here and order mine for my classes that start on Thursday.
This growing up thing really gives a girl anxiety!
With my junior year of college just days away, I thought I would give some advice to the younger generation and what I wish I had known as I was finding myself in
high school.
1.     Be Individual!
In a world where there are so many copycats, it’s really hard to be your own version of you. If I could do it all over again, I wouldn’t let the pressure of the student body form who I was and turn me into such a people pleaser. Granted, I loved everyone I went to school with more than words can explain. But sometimes you just gotta learn to say no and stand up for yourself!
Be you! Have your own opinions, your own style, and your own voice!
2.     Be Smart.
Now, some of those math tests are really killer and you have no other option than to just fail it – it’s okay. I’m talking about street smart (if that’s really a thing.) Don’t let negative people influence you and don’t make a permanent decision on a temporary situation. I was very lucky and had an amazing group of friends whom never did drugs. They are to this day, still some of the most positive people in my life. If I have any advice for you, be like us (in that aspect of course.)
3.     Be Happy!
High School is such an adventure! You learn so much about yourself and others. Make it a point to be involved and meet others. Sitting in the back of your classes and going from home to school and back every day will not give you your desired outcome. Get involved and join a club, it is one of the best decisions I have ever made!

Looking back to how I started the summer, I realized how thankful I am for the people in my life – especially my parents.
It gives that popular line,
“Started From the Bottom, Now We Here”
An entire new meaning.
Just remember this:
Tough times don’t last, tough people do.

I am so thankful to be on the path that I am now, and I know that I am never looking back!

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