Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Cheers To the New Year and the New Age!

Well, it’s official! I have officially turned the big 2-1!
Other than the fact that I have been a lazy bum and haven’t opened a word document in I don’t know how long; life has been great to me!

So great, that the other night when I turned twenty-one and I sat at the head of the dinner table with my family and best friends in the entire world it was all so clear to me how lucky I am.
My best friends flew in to celebrate and my parents made sure the day was extra special.
I have really great people in my life and sometimes I take that for granted. 
Other times I question the people that I let into my life (especially boys!)
I’m just so trusting, and I assume that because I mean everything that I say and I have such an open heart, that everyone else does too.
That’s not always the case.

Recently, I let myself down yet another toxic path with a boy.
Granted, it only lasted 72 hours until I got a call from his current girlfriend.
The point is, that I (and every other girl on this planet) have the opportunity to be very picky in this world. I started thinking that this is what I deserved and that I would always encounter bad apples (lol) like this one.
I thought a lot today. I’ve come to the conclusion that you know when you have those special people in your life and with that being said you also know when you have those temporary people who come into your life.
So why do I constantly keep making room for all of these temporary people?
That's what I'm trying to figure out.
Sitting across from my friends and family made me realize that life goes on when someone is mean to you.
People who lie, and cheat, and hurt people will never make it to the top.
People like me will.

I’m really fortunate that I get to wake up everyday go to school, have two amazing internships, and work for a really awesome company.
Have I said that I chose a grad school?!
Yeah, that’s new for me.
Oh, and I’m currently picking a dress for an Oscar’s party right now. So that’s cool too.

Thanks for reading. I haven’t blogged since September. Sorry Sorry Sorry!

Getting back into the swing of things!


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