Friday, June 13, 2014

Writer's Block

Ever have writer’s block when you have/want to write something but just can’t form the words? Yeah, that would be my life right now. So instead of a heart-felt blog with a moral, I’ll just write about my thoughts and weekly events.
So, let’s begin!
On Tuesday my brother shouted throughout the entire house and said I quote, “Shelby, your stupid a** flowers are here.” Naturally, I ignored him but when I walked into the kitchen later, to my surprise the little brat was telling the truth and there was this giant box with my name on it.
I ran into my room like a little kid and closed the door as if the box was a huge secret and I ripped open the box. To my surprise the box had the most beautiful tulips I had ever been given with a note that read, “Have a wonderful day!”
The flowers meant a lot to me, and I’m thankful to the person who sent them. Because he means a lot to me as well.
Do you ever wish that girls could send a guy flowers without it being weird?
What you would even put on the card?
“Thanks for sending me flowers, here are some Lilacs!”
If I could and it wouldn’t be creepy, I would have.
Of course, I followed what the note said and I continued to have a wonderful day and received some of the most amazing news ever! I can’t wait to share my news once everything is finalized (if it becomes finalized!)
I’ve learned throughout my years that not everything works out. So even though you want to share extremely good news once you get it, sometimes things fall through and it just becomes a sad party for one when the great news falls through.
But also, some of the great things you have to keep to yourself. With social media we don’t really keep a lot of the beautiful things in life to ourselves anymore and those moments are really important.
Some people post that they are in the hospital and they post selfies of them hooked to an IV, I’m sorry but that’s the weirdest thing I’ve ever seen in my life.
Hardcore judging when you do that.
You’re in the hospital, stop taking pictures and get better!
THEN take your selfies, because selfies are important.
I also worked a forty-five hour week and worked out every night this week
(Which never happens by the way.)
My car also broke down on the side of the road, and I’m currently in the process of begging my parents for a new car so I guess we will see how that goes.
The entire way home in the tow truck I defended myself against two Bradshaw Mountain High School graduates about how Apache Junction High School is not a trashy high school and how I am proud to graduate from such an established school.
I also then proceeded to make fun of the driver because he had a tattoo of his wife’s name on his arm and I thought that was funny.
(No judging if you’re one of those people!)
I also started this new fun thing called vloging (video blogging,) which I will do when more writers block hits me. You can find the fun video about my week under the “videos” section of my blog.

Oh, and I found this really fun quote that I would like to end with.

“Seek to be worth knowing rather than being well known.”

I think a lot of us get caught up in that of being “well known,” but being well known doesn’t mean anything if you’re not worth knowing.

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