Saturday, June 28, 2014

A Shelby Story

With the crazy schedule I have had working full-time for Apple and keeping up with two internships and my sanity-it’s been a real challenge to say the least!
The good news is this week I landed not one, but TWO huge internships both in which will take me to two different parts of the world and I am so excited to see where this will take me!
Although, I would love to go into detail about them I think this time I will blog about my events as they come along-as I’m sure they will.
I will say this though, I will be spending a lot more time in Las Vegas and Los Angeles, California!
Sometimes I can say that I take on more than I can handle and I know that’s how I have always been, but it gives me really great experiences in which I learn the most beautiful lessons from.
Just last night, it was as though fate had come and knocked on my door and sent me through a whole whirl-wind of emotions.
I had been shopping at my favorite store Nordstrom and I was in the shoe section (naturally) when out of the corner of my eye, I see this little Yorkie sitting all by itself on one of the chairs.
I immediately dropped what I was looking at and ran over to pet this dog, as it reminded me so much of mine. The little puppy, Allen, was so well behaved and he gave me kisses and pawed at my arm as if to say hello just as if my little Gabbi would do when she would meet someone new.
I had explained to the owners how I had just lost my little Yorkie and they were so kind-hearted for letting me play with their dog for as long as I wanted.
This to me, was truly a gift.
Every night before I fall asleep I send a prayer up to my Gabbi and I ask God why it wouldn’t be possible to have one more night with her or five more minutes so I can say goodbye.
And last night, that’s what I got, I got five more minutes.
Allen was the sweetest puppy and let me play with him as he snuggled me and I felt so much comfort with this dog and I told Allen to tell Gabbi hi for me-because that’s how distraught I am right now about losing her.
Allen was Gabbi in male form. Allen gave me so much comfort in that small amount of time that I have been able to keep with me even to this very moment.
Thank you to the kind people who understood what it’s like to lose the most important thing to you, that was on of my favorite moments.
As my favorite book/movie quotes, “Pain demands to be felt.”

And I am finding comfort in that.

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