Friday, May 23, 2014

Hats off to 2014!

It's official! Congrats to all of the graduates of 2014!
Feels like only yesterday that I was walking across the stage grabbing my own diploma.
News Flash Shelby, two years have gone by in the blink of an eye!
Last night I got the opportunity along with my best friends and family to watch my baby brother walk across the stage and receive his diploma.
I was such a proud big sister.
Chance has grown into such a fine young man,
and while he still has some (a lot!) of growing up to do I know that life will take him to great places.
Class of 2014, you did it! Now go out and make this world an amazing place.
The future is what you make it, and now it is all in your hands.
Here is a look at my evening, I'll hold it close to my heart forever.

Before the big moment! After much debate between him and Nicole, Chance eventually traded out that awful tie-dye shirt.
My two favorite people. My best friend, Nicole, and my baby brother. 
Our pre-graduation selfie with the family!

 Before the big moment! So glad I still get to make memories with this girl even after walking the field.

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