Thursday, May 29, 2014


            Hello everyone! I’m back to sitting on my couch again (where I do all of my writing) instead of laying in bed all day doing nothing. I decided I would do my (very late) introduction about myself and my blog to get things off to an official start-woo hoo! First things first, my name is Shelby Slaughter and I am currently attending Arizona State University studying Journalism & Mass Communications with a minor in Sociology. When I am not at school or at work you can find me by the food, whether I’m at a party, wedding, or at my house in my very own kitchen that sure is your best bet!
I think I really found myself with a little help from an organization that I like to call AASC (Arizona Association of Student Councils) if you follow me on any social media sites, you’ve seen that abbreviation before so this is just to bring everyone up to speed. AASC came into my life my sophomore year of high school when I joined student council at my high school in Apache Junction, Arizona. Throughout sophomore year I did the typical STUCO kid thing; I planned the dances, I laughed way too much on the live announcements, I planned blood drives, and I put my everything into it. It wasn’t until that summer that I went to my very first AASC camp, that’s where it all changed for me.
While I won’t give away the secrets of my home away from home, I will say this: This camp brought so many new insights to my life, that I didn’t even think were possible. Ever since stepping foot on the dirt-paved walkway it’s been a learning experience. I’ve learned acceptance and I don’t just mean accepting others without judging them, I mean accepting others to the fullest of my ability without any hesitation. I’ve learned what it truly takes to be an amazing leader and how you can teach people with your actions to be great leaders as well. And lastly, I’ve learned how to trust the process and sometimes that’s a really really hard thing to do, but I’ve learned to accept that and live my life knowing that it’s all apart of the plan.
Another huge part of my life is a magical moment that happened almost two years ago. I was in that weird transition stage from high school graduate to freshmen in college and I had no idea what I was doing in life, you’ve been there too right? I had just started my new job at Chase Bank when someone dropped dead in front of me. Yeah, I said it correctly; the man had a heart attack and died right then and there. Now, I don’t know about you but I do a lot of dumb things without thinking such as talking when I shouldn’t and impulse buys. But this was the one thing in my life I did without thinking that I will never forget: I started CPR. I did this until the paramedics arrived and took him away. Now, almost two years later that man is still alive and living with his family. Why this man had chosen to come to a random branch to pull out money at an ATM, I will have no idea. But I do know that there was someone watching out for him that day, and someone watching out for me. I learned from that one simple experience that day that life will happen whether you’re ready or not. Sometimes it takes a little push or even your life to be put on the line to make you realize that it’s time to start living and time to stop watching. Now, let’s fast forward to some other things:
·       I enjoy reading Nicholas Sparks novels, even though I can predict the ending in every single one of his books.
·       I’m utterly obsessed with anything “The Hunger Games,” and “Divergent.”
·       I hate camping and nature walks and anywhere else that a bug is likely to crawl on me.
·       I just recently got not one-but two speeding tickets. It’s not really something I’m proud of but they were one day apart and I think that stands for something.
·       With that being said, I drive a Prius. So naturally all of my friends are jealous because she (yes, my car is a girl) goes really fast.
·       I like taking risks. Not in the real world like jumping out of a plane or off a bridge or something. I’m talking about the career world; I like putting myself out there to meet new people.
·       I was in a sorority once, but I dropped out because I like meeting new people on my own.
·       One time I went to a military ball and broke a $400.00 vase.

Now, I’m a junior in college and I am starting to see that light at the end of the tunnel to something they call the “real world.” I’m really scared and anxious to see what the world has in store for me. But don’t worry, I’ll keep you all in the loop with this new fun blog of mine!


Gossip Girl

Whoops, I forgot I’m not that cool yet.

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