Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Happy Birthday Gabbi!

Sending Birthday Wishes Up to Heaven Today!
Today is my sweet Gabbi’s birthday and since she is up in heaven having her birthday party with other puppies, I thought I would give her a special shout-out from down here.
For those of you who don’t know, I lost my precious Yorkie to cancer about three weeks back. It’s been hard coming to terms with it, but I know God is up there taking good care of her.
I’ve realized it’s really hard losing something that you wanted everyday to protect, but in the end there was a bigger plan for my Gabbi. With that being said today, I am hoping that Gabbi has lots of her dollar store Pizza Treats and warm snuggles surrounded by her all day.
Because Gabbi isn't here with me to make new memories, I decided to share some old ones.

The day after I brought her home and got her groomed. 
Such a little cutie.

Gabbi's first trip to the vet, she was a bit nervous. 

 She loved her car rides, and that blanket.

 I took her to the gym at my old apartment once, 
Gabbi jumped right up and watched me.

And my heart melted every time she did this. 
Love you so much Gabbi, can't wait until I see you again.

"If dogs don't go up to heaven, then I want to go where they go."

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